Saturday, April 19, 2008

Molecular Chindogu: Bisphenol A

There have been many (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,) articles published in the past 48 hours about Canada declaring Bisphenol A a toxin. Thereby banning the use of polycarbonate in all food and beverage containers (e.g. Nalgene bottles, most baby bottles and some canned formula linings). According to Wikipedia, "...(Bisphonal A) is a difunctional building block to several important polymers and polymer additives. Bisphenol A has become controversial because it mimics estrogen and thus could induce hormonal responses." It comes to mind that Bisphenol A is a solution that is causing more problems than it is solving (on medical, fiscal, and social planes). Therefore, I am submitting it to the Unuseless chopping block.

Bisphenol A
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